Se anche voi volete vedere qualcosa di strano...assurdo...imprevedibile...ambiguo e equivoco...surreale.... misterioso e soprendente...bhe...allora perchè non fare un salto e vedere con i propri occhi quanto ci può essere di inquietante nella festa di halloween?
If you want to see something strange...absurd...unpredictable...ambiguous andequivocal...surreal... mysterious and surprising... well... why not you get a jump, and see whit your eyes, how much can be disquieting in the halloween eve?
...Freak Show of a rambling night....
For a night absolutely thrilling, whit the unnatural dj's music, you will be initiated to the magical mistery of beyond.. we will take you in the magic city of Halloween...
♫In this town, don't we love it now? Everybody's waiting for the next surprise ♬
and... after tonigh you can't go away ;) For this occasion, we inaugurate our new local: theCrazy Duck, where you can taste any kind of beer... all word import, and the undiscoverable old holy man Ramon Jonstone's secret ale, create so many years ago, whit a misterious receip whit astonishing effects ;D